
The “being busy” buzz

Ask someone around you how they are doing and they are likely to answer without a second thought “busy”. People oftentimes act like being “busy” is an accomplishment, when really it is not sustainable.  In my mind, being “busy” means being unorganized. When we are busy we are not present, you have to opt out of opportunities and you forget to invest in yourself.  When you are so “busy” everything seems like it needs to be done, and it does …

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February is Low Vision Awareness Month

Globally, at least 2.2 billion people have a vision impairment or blindness. 3.4 million Americans aged 40 or older are either visually impaired or legally blind. Oftentimes when people hear “blind” they believe that a person sees nothing at all, just black. When in fact less than 10% of people with low vision experience complete blindness. The statutory definition of “legally blind” is that central visual acuity must be 20/22 or less in the better eye even with the best …

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New year: One Resolution

Treat yourself with respect. There are new year’s resolutions for just about any topic imaginable. Breaking bad habits, saving  money, exercising more etc. You know the list I am talking about. The one that is likely on your phone, or on your notepad or at least in the back of your mind.  The truth is resolutions are a TRAP. You cannot expect to change multiple parts of your life just because the date is different.  The one resolution that I …

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Tele-therapy: Therapy Without Having to go See the Therapist

For decades, the practice of therapy to help individuals solve problems, set and achieve goals and learn new ways to keep stress levels in check has been flourishing. Now, more than ever, people are seeking therapists to improve their mental health. Therapy has become increasingly popularized throughout the past few decades as celebrities, athletes, social media and a rising number of therapists have helped to create a dialogue about the importance of mental health. The idea of seeing a therapist …

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