Treat yourself with respect.
There are new year’s resolutions for just about any topic imaginable. Breaking bad habits, saving money, exercising more etc. You know the list I am talking about. The one that is likely on your phone, or on your notepad or at least in the back of your mind.
The truth is resolutions are a TRAP. You cannot expect to change multiple parts of your life just because the date is different.
The one resolution that I think encompasses them all is treating yourself with respect. If you stop and treat yourself the way that you would treat a dear friend, self-compassion comes to life. Self-compassion is associated with less depression, anxiety, fear of failure and perfectionism. If you treat yourself with respect, you are more likely to reach your goals!
Here are some tips for treating yourself with respect:
- Carve out time for yourself
- Stop trying to be perfect
- Trust yourself
- Ask yourself “What do I need?”
- When you make a mistake, remember you are a human and we all make mistakes.