Globally, at least 2.2 billion people have a vision impairment or blindness.
3.4 million Americans aged 40 or older are either visually impaired or legally blind.
Oftentimes when people hear “blind” they believe that a person sees nothing at all, just black. When in fact less than 10% of people with low vision experience complete blindness.
The statutory definition of “legally blind” is that central visual acuity must be 20/22 or less in the better eye even with the best possible correction, or that the visual field must be 20 degrees or less.
Every single day I meet with clients that are experiencing something completely different than the person I met with before. Sometimes I meet with people who have been blind since birth, sometimes I meet with people who have been in a fatal accident and have lost their sight that way. Sometimes it’s a progressive disease and they knew that day would someday come.
I have met with clients and they face sideways when speaking with me because they can only see out of the side of their eye. Sometimes I have people moving their head all-around to try to put the pieces of my face together. Some people I meet with choose to close their eyes because it’s too confusing to use the little vision that they do have left.
I meet with people with of ALL ages. The Lighthouse serves babies, teens, middle-aged and the elderly. Their eye conditions vary and some of the most common ones are Glaucoma, Macular Degeneration, Diabetic Retinopathy, Retinitis Pigmentosa.
What I do know, is that no matter the visual impairment – every person experiencing vision loss can benefit from therapy. Many times the clients that walk through the door are experiencing confusion, panic and overwhelming feelings of grief and loss. My clients find the therapy session useful as they give them space and time to think and talk things through. My clients can express their emotions in a way that they often cannot do with their family.
Therapy can help through the period of adjustments, and eventually lead to acceptance.
What questions do you have about people experiencing vision loss?